Trailer Boat Fishing Tournament 2024
The Club Marine Trailer Boat Fishing Tournament is a truly wonderful weekend for family and friends to enjoy, on one of the most beautiful waterways in the world, Port Stephens. This is a fishing tournament for small boat anglers of all ages and skill levels with a strong focus on family groups.
In 1994, a small group of enthusiastic trailer boat anglers met at Nelson Bay on beautiful Port Stephens for an enjoyable weekend of fishing and camaraderie. The Club Marine Trailer Boat Fishing Tournament has since grown to be amongst the most popular family fishing tournaments in Australia while staying true to its original ideal of making anglers of all ages and skill levels welcome.
Join over 1,000 fellow anglers, with a large number being junior competitors, and over 400 boats at Port Stephens, for the Club Marine Trailer Boat Fishing Tournament. It is now amongst the largest and definitely the most enjoyable family fishing tournament in Australia.
The Trailer Boat Fishing Tournament is primarily for people who have never previously entered a fishing tournament. The format remains deliberately aimed at family groups and the junior contingent is always strong and keenly contested.
Registration Fee's Apply | Spectators Free