Summer Coastal Activities
BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL - Limited numbers.
Phone the Port Stephens Visitor Information Centre on 1800 808 900.
Tanilba Bay Foreshore Walk : Tuesday MARCH 8th II 9.30am - 11.30am (NEW DATE)
A nice walking track along the foreshore that includes paperbark trees, swamp mahoganies and wetland grasses.
All children must be accompanied by an adult. Footwear (not thongs) must be worn. Bring hat/sunscreen.
Meet at the boat ramp, Peace Parade, Tanilba Bay (Tanilba Ave end).
Seagrass Saunter :
FRIDAY 7th January 2022 II 9 - 11am
MONDAY 10th January 2022 II 11.30am - 1.30pm
In an idyllic setting of sun, sand and seagrass come along to explore the importance of this “nursery of the sea”. Discover hidden inhabitants that you never knew were there such as baby squid, fish, prawns, crabs and more.
Suitable for ages 5+ and must be accompanied by at an adult. You will be wading and footwear (not thongs) must be worn in the water. Bring hat/sunscreen.
Meet at Bagnall's Beach Reserve (opposite Irambang Street, Bagnall's Beach).
Bug Walk : THURSDAY 13th January 2022 II 10 - 11.30am
free interactive workshop delves into the secret lives of insects and
includes a field trip to find them in their own environment.
Suitable for ages 4+ and must be accompanied by an adult. Footwear (not thongs) must be worn. Bring hat/sunscreen.
Meet near the amenities block, Boomerang Park, Irrawang Street Raymond Terrace
Rockpool Ramble : SUNDAY 16th January 2022 II 2 - 4pm
As the ocean retreats, discover the creatures that inhabit rocky shores in our area. Our local experts will help you find and identify these fascinating plants and animals and explain how we can minimise our impacts on these fragile beings.
Suitable for children 10yrs + and must be accompanied by an adult. Footwear (not thongs) must be worn. Will be walking over uneven surfaces and boulders and in water. No swimming allowed whilst on this activity. Bring hat/sunscreen.
Meet near the amenities block at the SOUTH end of Boat Harbour Beach (dog off-leash area), off Kingsley Drive.